
Every aspect of the script can be configured in shared/config.lua.

Config = {
    Lang = "en",
    System = {
        CheckForNewVersion = true,                  -- Check for new script versions?
        Debug = false,                              -- Enable debug messages
        Phone = 'lb-phone',                         -- qb-phone or lb-phone
        leoAlert = {                                -- Which jobs should get notifications? NOT BEING USED YET!
            ['police'] = true,
            ['bcso'] = true,

    TimeBetweenContracts = 120,                     -- Time between contracts in seconds
    ContractChance = 25,                            -- Chance (0 - 100) in percent you get a contract
    TrackerTimeout = 40,                            -- Tracker timeout in seconds (SHOULD BE MORE THAN 20 SECONDS)
    NotifyPolice = 3,                               -- How often notify police if boosting is in progress + seconds delay (SECONDS)

    ClassLevels = {                                 -- Build your classes here
        [1] = { xpNeeded = 0, rank = "D", },
        [2] = { xpNeeded = 250, rank = "C", },
        [3] = { xpNeeded = 500, rank = "B", },
        [4] = { xpNeeded = 1000, rank = "A", },
        [5] = { xpNeeded = 1250, rank = "A+", },
        [6] = { xpNeeded = 1500, rank = "S", },
        [7] = { xpNeeded = 2000, rank = "S+", },
        [8] = { xpNeeded = 4000, rank = "S++", },

    Classes = {
        ["M"] = {
            RequiredPolice = 1,                     -- Required online police to start job
            HackFails = 3,                          -- How many hacks you are able to fail without the vehicle breaking down
            TrackersNeeded = 2,                     -- Amount of trackers needed to be disabled
            VehPrices = {
                vinPrice = 30,                      -- Amount of crypto costs for vin scratch
                vehMinPrice = 5,                    -- Minimum amount of crypto gained for a successful boost
                vehMaxPrice = 9,                    -- Maximum amount of crypto gained for a successful boost
            NpcSpawns = 0,                          -- Amount of NPC spawns for this class (they try to protect the vehicle)
            XpMulti = 0.3,                          -- Exp multiplier per contract, takes vehicle health then multiplies by this number
            LostEXP = 35,                           -- How much exp/rep is lost when you fail or cancel a boost
            Vehicles = {                            -- List of vehicles for this class
                "Powersurge", "ZombieB", "Wolfsbane", "Vader", "Sovereign", "Sanctus",
                "Sanchez2", "Ruffian", "RatBike", "PCJ", "Nightblade", "Innovation", "Hexer",
                "Hakuchou2", "Hakuchou", "Faggio2", "Esskey", "Double", "Diablous2", "Diablous",
                "Daemon2", "Daemon", "Cliffhanger", "Chimera", "CarbonRS", "BF400", "Bati2", "Bagger",
                "Avarus", "Bati", "Reever", "Shinobi", "Manchez", "Vortex", "Faggio", "Enduro",
                "Nemesis", "Akuma", "Defiler", "Sanchez",
            AllowedClasses = {                      -- Which vehicle classes are allowed?
            nextLevel = "D",                        -- Define the next boosting level here
            hackTypes = {                           -- Which hacks show up during these boosts
        ["D"] = {
            RequiredPolice = 0,
            HackFails = 8,
            TrackersNeeded = 0,
            VehPrices = {
                vinPrice = 20,
                vehMinPrice = 1,
                vehMaxPrice = 3,
            NpcSpawns = 0,
            XpMulti = 0.1,
            LostEXP = 35,
            Vehicles = {
                "Surge", "Stratum", "Primo", "Emperor", "Asterope", "Paradise", "Bifta",
                "Burrito3", "Taco", "Moonbeam", "Minivan", "Bison", "Club", "Asbo", "Slamvan", "Youga",
                "Surfer", "Speedo", "Journey", "Granger", "Baller", "Huntley",
            AllowedClasses = {
            nextLevel = "C",
            hackTypes = {
        ["C"] = {
            RequiredPolice = 0,
            HackFails = 8,
            TrackersNeeded = 1,
            VehPrices = {
                vinPrice = 30,
                vehMinPrice = 3,
                vehMaxPrice = 5,
            NpcSpawns = 0,
            XpMulti = 0.2,
            LostEXP = 35,
            Vehicles = {
                "Sultan", "Baller", "Clique", "Hermes", "Hustler", "Fugitive", "Patriot", "Blista", "Weevil",
                "Yosemite", "BFInjection", "Dune", "Dynasty", "Peyote", "Pigalle", "Voodoo", "Exemplar", "Jackal",
                "Futo", "Windsor", "Novak", "Asea", "Asterope", "Primo",
            AllowedClasses = {
            nextLevel = "B",
            hackTypes = {
        ["B"] = {
            RequiredPolice = 1,
            HackFails = 8,
            TrackersNeeded = 3,
            VehPrices = {
                vinPrice = 50,
                vehMinPrice = 5,
                vehMaxPrice = 12,
            NpcSpawns = 1,
            XpMulti = 0.3,
            LostEXP = 35,
            Vehicles = {
                "Alpha", "Buffalo", "Astron", "Dominator", "Tulip", "Vamos", "Blade", "Stinger", "Retinue",
                "Deviant", "Faction", "Gauntlet", "Phoenix", "SabreGT", "Tampa", "Dukes", "Dominator8", "Dominator3",
            AllowedClasses = {
            nextLevel = "A",
            hackTypes = {
        ["A"] = {
            RequiredPolice = 2,
            HackFails = 8,
            TrackersNeeded = 5,
            VehPrices = {
                vinPrice = 75,
                vehMinPrice = 12,
                vehMaxPrice = 18,
            NpcSpawns = 2,
            XpMulti = 0.4,
            LostEXP = 35,
            Vehicles = {
                "Revolter", "Ruston", "Specter", "Carbonizzare", "Toros", "Penumbra", "Ellie", "Everon",
                "Feltzer2", "NineF", "Massacro", "Kuruma", "Jester", "BestiaGTS", "Brawler", "Infernus2",
            AllowedClasses = {
            nextLevel = "A+",
            hackTypes = {
        ["A+"] = {
            RequiredPolice = 2,
            HackFails = 8,
            TrackersNeeded = 7,
            VehPrices = {
                vinPrice = 100,
                vehMinPrice = 20,
                vehMaxPrice = 25,
            NpcSpawns = 3,
            XpMulti = 0.5,
            LostEXP = 35,
            Vehicles = {
                "Torero2", "XA21", "Banshee2", "Bullet", "FlashGT", "Neon", "Ruston", "Specter", "Omnis",
                "Pariah", "Comet2", "Lynx", "Coquette",
            AllowedClasses = {
            nextLevel = "S",
            hackTypes = {
        ["S"] = {
            RequiredPolice = 3,
            HackFails = 8,
            TrackersNeeded = 9,
            VehPrices = {
                vinPrice = 400,
                vehMinPrice = 100,
                vehMaxPrice = 125,
            NpcSpawns = 4,
            XpMulti = 0.6,
            LostEXP = 35,
            Vehicles = {
                "EntityXF", "Cyclone", "T20", "Zeno", "Champion", "Furia", "Taipan", "Nero", "Tempesta", "Voltic",
                "Turismor", "Penetrator", "ItaliGTB", "GP1", "Vacca", "Infernus", "Adder", "Imorgon", "Jugular",
            AllowedClasses = {
            nextLevel = "S+",
            hackTypes = {
        ["S+"] = {
            RequiredPolice = 3,
            HackFails = 8,
            TrackersNeeded = 10,
            VehPrices = {
                vinPrice = 600,
                vehMinPrice = 200,
                vehMaxPrice = 250,
            NpcSpawns = 5,
            XpMulti = 1,
            LostEXP = 35,
            Vehicles = {
                "FMJ", "Ignus", "Champion", "Furia", "Zorrusso", "Emerus", "Thrax", "Tyrant", "Autarch",
                "Coquette4", "Virtue", "Osiris", "Tyrus", "Cheetah", "Imorgon",
            AllowedClasses = {
            nextLevel = "S++",
            hackTypes = {
        ["S++"] = {
            RequiredPolice = 5,
            HackFails = 8,
            TrackersNeeded = 11,
            VehPrices = {
                vinPrice = 1000,
                vehMinPrice = 500,
                vehMaxPrice = 1000,
            NpcSpawns = 7,
            XpMulti = 2,
            LostEXP = 35,
            Vehicles = {
                "LM87", "Deveste", "Vagner", "Tezeract", "Sheava", "SC1", "S80", "Reaper", "Krieger", "Zentorno",
            AllowedClasses = {
            nextLevel = "S++",
            hackTypes = {

    BoostingDropOff = { -- Locations for normal DROP OFF
        [1] = { ['x'] = 196.8725, ['y'] = -156.60850, ['z'] = 56.786},
        [2] = { ['x'] = 135.9595, ['y'] = -3201.1228, ['z'] = 5.8575},
        [3] = { ['x'] = 134.2962, ['y'] = -3092.5371, ['z'] = 5.8963},
        [4] = { ['x'] = 479.6888, ['y'] = -1889.7318, ['z'] = 26.0946},
        [5] = { ['x'] = 490.1187, ['y'] = -1382.7264, ['z'] = 29.3360},
        [6] = { ['x'] = 750.0676, ['y'] = -1346.6593, ['z'] = 26.3168},
        [7] = { ['x'] = -348.23, ['y'] = -1314.37, ['z'] = 30.78},
        [8] = { ['x'] = 4.42, ['y'] = -1103.57, ['z'] = 37.53},
        [9] = { ['x'] = 247.07, ['y'] = -747.28, ['z'] = 30.19},
        [10] = { ['x'] = 123.33, ['y'] = -736.61, ['z'] = 32.51},
        [11] = { ['x'] = -19.79, ['y'] = -671.01, ['z'] = 31.71},
        [12] = { ['x'] = -574.93, ['y'] = -590.29, ['z'] = 24.68},
        [13] = { ['x'] = 1204.3, ['y'] = -3116.23, ['z'] = 4.91},
        [14] = { ['x'] = -1645.17, ['y'] = -1017.0, ['z'] = 5.55},
        [15] = { ['x'] = 1131.19, ['y'] = -793.66, ['z'] = 56.98},
        [16] = { ['x'] = 53.72, ['y'] = 6297.25, ['z'] = 30.61},
        [17] = { ['x'] = 1644.75, ['y'] = 4823.96, ['z'] = 41.35},
        [18] = { ['x'] = 3329.59, ['y'] = 5154.14, ['z'] = 17.64},
        [19] = { ['x'] = -2357.35, ['y'] = 276.36, ['z'] = 166.26},
        [20] = { ['x'] = -3251.32, ['y'] = 990.5, ['z'] = 11.82},

    NPCSpawns = { -- Locations for NPCs to spawn, !!!NUMBERS COORDINATED WITH VEHICLE COORDS!!!
        [1] = { ['x'] = 105.89, ['y'] = -1568.66, ['z'] = 29.6, ['h'] = 319.44 },
        [2] = { ['x'] = 168.01, ['y'] = -1506.05, ['z'] = 29.26, ['h'] = 134.02 },
        [3] = { ['x'] = 380.4, ['y'] = -1813.72, ['z'] = 29.06, ['h'] = 141.33 },
        [4] = { ['x'] = 206.34, ['y'] = -1851.85, ['z'] = 27.48, ['h'] = 139.77 },
        [5] = { ['x'] = -71.81, ['y'] = -1821.4, ['z'] = 26.94, ['h'] = 226.54 },
        [6] = { ['x'] = -198.06, ['y'] = -1699.53, ['z'] = 33.47, ['h'] = 48.45 },
        [7] = { ['x'] = -222.46, ['y'] = -1601.29, ['z'] = 34.87, ['h'] = 265.59 },
        [8] = { ['x'] = 1082.43, ['y'] = -787.96, ['z'] = 58.26, ['h'] = 195.73 },
        [9] = { ['x'] = 1000.53, ['y'] = -593.84, ['z'] = 59.23, ['h'] = 264.16 },
        [10] = { ['x'] = 1000.87, ['y'] = -594.18, ['z'] = 59.23, ['h'] = 268.1 }, 
        [11] = { ['x'] = 956.44, ['y'] = -547.01, ['z'] = 59.36, ['h'] = 127.51 },
        [12] = { ['x'] = 1046.55, ['y'] = -497.62, ['z'] = 64.08, ['h'] = 289.5 },
        [13] = { ['x'] = 987.97, ['y'] = -433.43, ['z'] = 63.89, ['h'] = 226.09 },
        [14] = { ['x'] = 906.63, ['y'] = -490.22, ['z'] = 59.44, ['h'] = 216.42 },
        [15] = { ['x'] = 879.04, ['y'] = -498.64, ['z'] = 57.88, ['h'] = 230.4 },
        [16] = { ['x'] = -1277.82, ['y'] = 629.86, ['z'] = 143.19, ['h'] = 122.95 },
        [17] = { ['x'] = -1079.9, ['y'] = 679.7, ['z'] = 142.95, ['h'] = 158.05 },
        [18] = { ['x'] = -718.35, ['y'] = 449.22, ['z'] = 106.91, ['h'] = 32.49 },
        [19] = { ['x'] = -1130.69, ['y'] = 784.33, ['z'] = 163.89, ['h'] = 237.41 },
        [20] = { ['x'] = -1012.99, ['y'] = 818.29, ['z'] = 172.38, ['h'] = 143.42 },
        [21] = { ['x'] = -852.71, ['y'] = 883.06, ['z'] = 203.58, ['h'] = 201.86 },
        [22] = { ['x'] = -477.06, ['y'] = 648.75, ['z'] = 648.75, ['h'] = 277.48 },
        [23] = { ['x'] = -340.23, ['y'] = 625.67, ['z'] = 171.36, ['h'] = 60.96 },
        [24] = { ['x'] = -86.25, ['y'] = 834.65, ['z'] = 235.92, ['h'] = 97.33 },
        [25] = { ['x'] = 1837.8, ['y'] = 3907.39, ['z'] = 33.26, ['h'] = 106.54 },
        [26] = { ['x'] = 1687.54, ['y'] = 3755.56, ['z'] = 34.41, ['h'] = 138.72 },
        [27] = { ['x'] = 1697.02, ['y'] = 3595.98, ['z'] = 35.61, ['h'] = 308.76 },
        [28] = { ['x'] = -3047.68, ['y'] = 590.19, ['z'] = 7.77, ['h'] = 15.61 },
        [29] = { ['x'] = -3071.08, ['y'] = 442.3, ['z'] = 6.36, ['h'] = 154.5 },
        [30] = { ['x'] = -2947.2, ['y'] = 483.32, ['z'] = 15.26, ['h'] = 268.59 },

    VehicleCoords = { -- Vehicle Coords spawn
        [1] = { ['x'] = 114.61, ['y'] = -1569.13, ['z'] = 28.97, ['h'] = 322.15 },
        [2] = { ['x'] = 162.15, ['y'] = -1508.66, ['z'] = 30.26, ['h'] = 139.49 },
        [3] = { ['x'] = 376.37, ['y'] = -1819.13, ['z'] = 30.29, ['h'] = 324.54 },
        [4] = { ['x'] = 202.2, ['y'] = -1853.78, ['z'] = 28.34, ['h'] = 145.17 },
        [5] = { ['x'] = -66.36, ['y'] = -1832.14, ['z'] = 28.06, ['h'] = 234.28 },
        [6] = { ['x'] = -222.05, ['y'] = -1693.14, ['z'] = 35.03, ['h'] = 1.6 },
        [7] = { ['x'] = -243.39, ['y'] = -1605.73, ['z'] = 34.72, ['h'] = 0.33 },
        [8] = { ['x'] = 1082.55, ['y'] = -794.08, ['z'] = 59.41, ['h'] = 272.28 },
        [9] = { ['x'] = 983.4, ['y'] = -708.97, ['z'] = 56.94, ['h'] = 311.71 },
        [10] = { ['x'] = 1008.88, ['y'] = -590.37, ['z'] = 58.34, ['h'] = 259.13 },
        [11] = { ['x'] = 957.52, ['y'] = -553.45, ['z'] = 58.62, ['h'] = 209.18 },
        [12] = { ['x'] = 1051.95, ['y'] = -488.69, ['z'] = 63.25, ['h'] = 255.0 },
        [13] = { ['x'] = 995.66, ['y'] = -435.39, ['z'] = 63.33, ['h'] = 255.67 },
        [14] = { ['x'] = 914.28, ['y'] = -491.5, ['z'] = 58.35, ['h'] = 201.71 },
        [15] = { ['x'] = 875.76, ['y'] = -507.64, ['z'] = 56.81, ['h'] = 227.29 },
        [16] = { ['x'] = -1288.48, ['y'] = 625.4, ['z'] = 138.14, ['h'] = 41.3 },
        [17] = { ['x'] = -1071.46, ['y'] = 676.07, ['z'] = 141.69, ['h'] = 354.09 },
        [18] = { ['x'] = -740.46, ['y'] = 446.69, ['z'] = 105.85, ['h'] = 3.15 },
        [19] = { ['x'] = -1121.41, ['y'] = 788.54, ['z'] = 162.4, ['h'] = 228.29 },
        [20] = { ['x'] = -1019.25, ['y'] = 812.44, ['z'] = 171.46, ['h'] = 187.02 },
        [21] = { ['x'] = -847.54, ['y'] = 870.77, ['z'] = 202.23, ['h'] = 245.76 },
        [22] = { ['x'] = -463.34, ['y'] = 642.58, ['z'] = 143.53, ['h'] = 48.78 },
        [23] = { ['x'] = -346.58, ['y'] = 635.74, ['z'] = 171.47, ['h'] = 56.68 },
        [24] = { ['x'] = -105.83, ['y'] = 836.83, ['z'] = 235.02, ['h'] = 8.2 },
        [25] = { ['x'] = 1826.96, ['y'] = 3916.25, ['z'] = 32.74, ['h'] = 13.54 },
        [26] = { ['x'] = 1678.88, ['y'] = 3747.01, ['z'] = 33.37, ['h'] = 209.81 },
        [27] = { ['x'] = 1697.02, ['y'] = 3603.5, ['z'] = 34.83, ['h'] = 30.41 },
        [28] = { ['x'] = -3049.0, ['y'] = 597.79, ['z'] = 6.79, ['h'] = 289.9 },
        [29] = { ['x'] = -3055.52, ['y'] = 440.25, ['z'] = 5.71, ['h'] = 244.23 },
        [30] = { ['x'] = -2938.04, ['y'] = 484.42, ['z'] = 14.58, ['h'] = 298.09 },

    CitizenNames =  { -- Random Citizen Names
        "Nadine Titan", "Buck Rivers", "Johnny Gears", "Taki", "Maris Piper", "Frank Cross", "Jackson Cross", "Maddox Cross", "Dexter Morgan", "Gal Norman", "Johanna Meyer", "Christina Shot", "Surge Warren", "Yuki Saito", "Levi Takanashi", 
        "Carl Carbon", "Seth Powers", "Gunnison Winters", "Ariel Winters", "Quinn Heart", "Devonne Graves", "Axel Rose", "Bridgette Taylor", "Luigi Goterelli", "Joey Leone", "Toni Cipriani", "Salvatore Leone","Mara Latore",
        "Tommy Vercetti", "Sonny Forelli", "Shawn Sullivan", "Lance Vance", "Ken Rosenberg",  "Phil Cassidy", "Ricardo Diaz", "Kent Paul", "Auntie Poulet", "Umberto Robina", "Carl Johnson", "Lance Wilson", "Frank Tenpenny",
        "Melvin Harris", "Sean Johnson", "Sean Silver", "Cesar Vialpando", "Mike Toreno", "Massimo Torini", "Vincenzo Cilli", "Eric Johnson", "Niko Belic", "Louise Cassidy", "Bryan Forbes", "Mikhail Faustin", "Kate McReary", "Cesar Chicago",

Loc = {}

Last updated